Varun Dhawan and Shraddha Kapoor starrer film Street Dancer 3D remains steady at the box office. As per estimates, the film is just an inch away from the Rs 50 crore mark at the box office. While the adjacent release Panga had passed an ordinary note in the weekend and now steady at the box office.
Directed by Remo D’Souza, the dance drama has unfortunately got failed to convince all the viewers and received a mixed word of mouth. In the weekend, it showed an uptrend and did the business of 41.23 crores that included 10.26 crore on Friday, 13.21 crore on Saturday & 17.76 crores on Sunday.
Street Dancer 3D is now running in weekdays with a decent hold over the audience. On Monday, after a drop of 54.70% vis-a-vis Friday, it had minted 4.65 crore. On the next day i.e. Tuesday, the film managed to collect 3.88 crore and raised its 5 days total collection to 49.76 crores nett at the domestic box office.
In parallel, Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari’s directorial Panga has also got succeed to convince many critics but still not getting the desired response from the audience. In the opening weekend, it had bagged the amount of 14.91 crores nett with 2.70 crores on Friday, 5.61 crores on Saturday & 6.60 crores on Sunday.
Then on weekdays, Kangana Ranaut, Richa Chaddha and Jassie Gill starrer has dropped significantly and did the business of 1.65 crores on Monday. On the next day i.e. Tuesday, Panag has managed to collect 1.65 crores and raised 5 days total collection to 18.21 crores nett at the domestic box office.