Late actor Rishi Kapoor’s last film titled Sharmaji Namkeen is scheduled for a 2021 theatrical release. As the shoot of the movie is still pending, the makers endeavour to present the veteran actor’s last film as a tribute to his fans & him on his birthday, the 4th of September, this year.
To achieve this reality, Paresh Rawal has agreed to complete the remainder of the film in the same role – a sensitive step that is unprecedented in Hindi cinema.
The filmmakers and Paresh Rawal have taken this decision in order to release the film as a mark of respect for Rishi Kapoor’s final performance and a celebration of his inimitable talent and career for all his fans.
Produced by Ritesh Sidhwani & Farhan Akhtar in association with MacGuffin Pictures, directed by debutante Hitesh Bhatia, this film is a light-hearted coming-of-age story of a lovable 60-year-old man.
The makers and team of Sharmaji Namkeen are ready to resume shoot soon with plans of a 2021 release.