As Prithviraj Sukumaran celebrates his 13th wedding anniversary today, the superstar took to social media to pen a heartfelt note for his wife, Supriya Menon. Taking his Instagram, Prithviraj shared a picture with Supriya. In the photo, the couple can be seen hugging each other and enjoying a boat ride.
Sharing the photo, Prithviraj captioned the post, ” Happy anniversary partner! From being friends to the parents of an incredible little girl, this has been one hell of a ride! To dreaming bigger and taking on tougher battles, can’t wait to see where this journey takes us in the years to come! “
Supriya also penned a sweet post for her husband on social media. Captioning the photo Supriya wrote, “13 years with you! Wow! From being kids when we met to now being parents of a wonderful little girl! How far we have walked together on this road that’s been rocky many a time!”
“And yet here we are! Happy 13th anniversary @therealprithvi. To many more years together where we push each other to achieve our dreams & live our best lives!” she added.
We wish the couple a very happy anniversary and many more years of togetherness ahead.