Filmmaker Priyadarshan has confirmed that he is reuniting with Akshay Kumar after 14 years. The duo had worked together on Hera Pheri and Bhool Bhulaiyaa. The filmmaker said that they will be working on a horror fantasy film with elements of humour. The project will be backed by Ektaa R Kapoor.
In a recent interview with Hindustan Times, the filmmaker said, “Now that I am done with my docu-series on the Ram Mandir’s history, my most important film on which I am beginning work is the one with Akshay, produced by Ekta Kapoor. It is a horror fantasy with humour.”
When asked if it’s like Bhool Bhulaiyaa, the Priyadarhan said, “That was a psychological thriller, but this one will be fantasy, in the backdrop of black magic, the oldest superstition of India. It is always a pleasure collaborating with Akshay. From our first film to this one, it has always turned out well with him, he handles the emotions so well. I was waiting for a good subject to get back with him, and this one I feel will be that.”
Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar has an array of films including Sky Force, Singham Again cameo, Welcome to the Jungle, C Shankaran Nair biopic called and a few more.