Superstar Shah Rukh Khan is all set to play a gritty don in his upcoming film, King, which promises to be a raw and rustic action-thriller. According to a report in Pinkvilla, a source revealed that Khan will play an intriguing role, which is a clear nod to his past characters with darker sides, like his iconic roles in Darr, Anjaam, and Raees.
“Shah Rukh Khan is making films for the audience and is well aware of their urge to see him in shades of grey. King is his passion project and he has been meticulously working on all aspects of the project with Siddharth Anand and Sujoy Ghosh. They have collectively carved a very cool, full of attitude and swag character with shades of grey for SRK in King,” said the source.
The source revealed, “While the character designing is already done, Siddharth Anand is presently working on the action blocks with international stunt teams. Sujoy, on the other hand, is getting the dialogue draft ready, whereas SRK is overseeing the creative process and training with Suhana on some new-age action sequences.”
But the surprises don’t stop there. The source also hinted at a new look for Khan in the film. He’ll be sporting long hair and a beard, a departure from his usual clean-cut persona. While details about the plot are still under wraps, the report does say that King will be a fast-paced action thriller that tests the limits of survival. SRK will play the mentor, guiding a disciple through a dangerous world. This disciple will be played by none other than Suhana Khan.
According to the report, King will be shot from May over 5 months and hit the big screen in the 2nd half of 2025.