Actress Divya Khossla has been grabbing a lot of attention as Savi right from the teaser and trailer. With the film releasing today, turns out, that the Abhinay Deo directorial is seeing quite a great response. As per initial trade reports not only is Savi witnessing great footfalls and critical acclaim, but commercially too it is doing quite well. For a small-budget film, it seems to have opened to great numbers at the box office, with early estimates close at around Rs 2 crores.
As per initial trade reports not only is Savi witnessing great footfalls and critical acclaim, but commercially too it is doing quite well. For a small-budget film, it seems to have opened to great numbers at the box office, with early estimates close at around Rs 2.05 crores.
Talking about this amazing response to Savi’s release, Divya Khossla says, “In Mumbai, we are getting 80 percent full houses, which is extraordinary at a time when big films with big stars are not doing well. I am getting constant congratulatory calls and positive feedback from exhibitors and distributors. Good thrillers never fail. We are hoping for the best.”
Savi also stars Anil Kapoor and Harshvardhan Rane in important roles, but Divya truly seems to be stealing the show. An Abhinay Deo film Savi is produced by Mukesh Bhatt, Bhushan Kumar, and Krishan Kumar, under the banners of Vishesh Films and T-Series. Shiv Chanana and Sakshi Bhatt have joined in as co-producers. The film was released in theatres near you on 31st May 2024.