Pan-India star Prabhas is all set to ring in his birthday on 23rd October and to bring in more cheers to his fans with an advanced birthday wish, makers of Radhe Shyam released the character poster of Prabhas. The star will be portraying the character of ‘Vikramaditya’ and from the looks of it, the anticipation around his look seems right.
Earlier also, to mark Pooja Hegde’s birthday, the makers of Radhe Shyam had revealed her first look from the movie on her birthday. With the fans heavily carrying a countdown for his birthday, the character reveal is definitely the greatest gift the makers could give to the actor and his well-wishers.
The Radhe Shyam team is currently shooting in one of the most beautiful places in the world in Torino, Italy. Torino is situated in Northern Italy with the beautiful alps in plain sight from the city, it is also known for some iconic historic landmarks. The location choices for the film are not just popular but are revered as some of the most exotic locations around the world.
Touted to be a magnum opus, ‘Radhe Shyam’ is suggested to be an epic love story set in Europe. The movie stars Pan India star Prabhas and Pooja Hegde in the lead. The film will also feature Sachin Khedekar, Bhagyashree, Priyadarshi, Murali Sharma, Sasha Chettri, and Kunaal Roy Kapur among others and will be released in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada.
Directed by Radha Krishna Kumar, the film is a multi-lingual romantic period-drama that is expected to release in 2021. ‘Radhe Shyam’ will be a multi-lingual film and is helmed by Radha Krishna Kumar, presented by Gulshan Kumar and T-Series. It is produced by UV Creations. The film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Vamsi and Pramod.