Pathaan box office collection day 33: Pathaan, starring Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in the lead roles, has earned approx Rs 507+ crore so far. The film, which hit screens on Januray 25, coinciding with the Republic Day weekend, in IMAX, 4DX and standard formats along with dubbed versions in Tamil and Telugu.
In the past 4 weeks, Siddharth Anand’s directorial Pathaan had raked the massive business of 502.10 crores that included 351 crores in the first, 91.50 crores in the second, 45.65 crores in the third and 13.95 crores in the fourth week.
Produced by Yash Raj Films, the film entered the fifth weekend and did a business of 5.40 crores with 1 crores on Friday, 1.95 crores on Saturday, and 2.45 crores on Sunday. After 33 days, its total collection has become 507.50 crores from Hindi version.
While its Telugu and Tamil versions of Pathaan earned 0.02 crores on day 31, 0.03 crores day 32, and 0.05 crores on day 33 taking the total collection of the dubs to 18.16 crore including 13.15 crores in the first week, 3.25 crores in the second week, 1.30 crores in the third week and 0.36 crores in the fourth week.
NOTE: Pathaan Hindi + Tamil + Telugu *combined* biz: Rs. 525.66 crores nett.