On the auspicious occasion of Shivaji Jayanti, Jio Studios officially announced a grand cinematic saga – Raja Shivaji, a film based on the life and legacy of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Marking a significant moment in Indian cinema, the biopic will be helmed by actor-turned-director Riteish Deshmukh and co-produced by his wife, Genelia Deshmukh.
This epic historical drama will be bilingual, shot simultaneously in Marathi and Hindi languages, ensuring nationwide accessibility and celebrating the unifying spirit of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s legacy. Filming is set to commence soon, with a targeted release in 2025.
Sharing his heartfelt emotions, Riteish Deshmukh expressed on Instagram: “In the annals of history, there emerges a figure who transcends mere mortal existence—a legend, an icon, an eternal flame of inspiration. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is not a mere historical figure; he is an emotion, a timeless saga of valor, and a beacon of hope that has illuminated hearts for over three and a half centuries.”
He further added, “Our deepest aspiration has always been to immortalize his awe-inspiring journey on the grand canvas of cinema—a journey of epic proportions, depicting the rise of a boy who defied the invincible, sparking the flames of Swarajya. A rebel whose courage knew no bounds, he didn’t just rule land, he conquered hearts, earning the endearing title of ‘Raja Shivaji.’”
Raja Shivaji promises to be a landmark film, bringing to life the inspiring tale of the Maratha warrior king who established an empire based on justice and courage. Stay tuned for further updates on this anticipated cinematic experience.