We have a latest news about Jr NTR’s Pan India film (NTR 30) under the direction of Koratala Siva. According the reports from Tollywood, a massive set has been erected outside Hyderabad and work has already started. Also, after so many rumors about who will be the female lead for this Jr NTR starrer, Janhvi Kapoor is signed in for female lead role.
On her birthday, Yuvasudha Arts, which is producing the film, tweeted: “She’s the calm in the storm from the fierce world of #NTR30 ❤️ Happy Birthday and welcome onboard #JanhviKapoor 💫.”
Actress Janhvi Kapoor, for her part, captioned: “It is finally happening 🤗 Can’t wait to set sail with my favourite @jrntr ❤️ #NTR30 :)”
NTR 30 marks the reunion of the man of the masses Jr NTR and acclaimed filmmaker Koratala Siva after Janatha Garage (2016). The film brings to the fore a fresh trio of Jr NTR (in the lead), Koratala Siva and music maestro Anirudh.
Presented by Nandamuri Kalyanram, produced by Mikkilineni Sudhakar and Hari Krishna K under the banners Yuvasudha Arts and NTR Arts respectively, with music by Anirudh.