For the hit-machine, Himesh Reshammiya, the first day on the sets of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lil Champs after the lockdown, brought with it a mixed bag of emotions. The rockstar-composer, who is also a super talented actor, is a judge on the reality show where children from all over the country display their singing talent in a contest.
Commenting on resuming the shoot he says, ‘Life in the new Corona-world is so different, it has changed my perspective completely. The way I look at the smallest things in life, the things that make you happy, it has all changed.’
Himesh, who has served us countless hits after hits, and has judged more than 14 music reality shows, shares that coming to the sets after lockdown was like a breath of fresh air and he felt good to meet his colleagues after so long. He also got a tad bit emotional, and was cautious and fearful about the virus, ensuring that all possible precautions and safety measures were taken.
He mentions ‘I performed a few songs, and gave all the COVID warriors a musical tribute which really warmed my heart. When the kids performed my first song ‘Odh Li Chunariya Tere Naam Ki’ it took me back to the days when I had just started my musical journey. We also did a fun performance with the kids of my song ‘Naam Hai Tera’ in which Deepika Padukone made her debut, I was overwhelmed with nostalgia.’