Natural star Nani’s first Pan-India film Dasara is all set to hit the screens tomorrow, on the occasion of Ram Navami in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada and Malayalam. Helmed by Srikanth Odeila, the film also stars Dheekshith Shetty, Keerthy Suresh, Samuthirakani as Shivanna, Shine Tom Chacko, Sai Kumar, Shamna Kasim and Zarina Wahab an ensemble in the key roles.
According to the trade report (as of 12 am), Dasara has raked in a total of 2.25 crores through day 1 advance booking (excluding blocked seats). Almost 1.18 lakh tickets have been sold nationwide as part of it. The Telugu version largely controls the market. The Hindi version is steadily approaching 2 lakhs in total sales. Bookings from other dubbings are hardly noticeable.
Reportedly in the South, the period-action movie is getting a better pre-release response at the ticket window and that’s a reason, Dasara is expected to put up a positive performance on its opening day.
As per the records & current scenario, Dasara has a possible chance to become the highest opener of Nani. It seems capable to open in a range of Rs 25+ crores in all languages nationwide.
The box office clash between Nani’s Dasara and Ajay Devgn’s Bholaa is an intriguing one because Bholaa is an official remake of the South classic Kaithi. The South superstar, on the other hand, refuted any rumours of the clash.