Actor Vijay Deverakonda recently attended the reception of his security guard Ravi in Hyderabad and we are smitten. The actor along with his parents Govardhan Rao & Madhavi were seen attending the wedding reception and blessings the newly weds and netizens are quite impressed with this heart warming gesture.
The video of Vijay Deverakonda leaving the venue has been surfacing online and has been winning appreciation for his gesture. He politely also is seen telling his team to take care as he leaves the venue giving a sneak peak into the fact and the equation he shares with his team.
The actor earlier was also seen celebrating Ravi’s birthday in his vanity which yet again is a proof of the close bond that he shares with his staff.
Vijay Deverakonda is currently shooting for director Gowtam Tinnanuri’s Untitled project which is tentatively titled as ‘VD12‘ and yet taking out his time from the packed schedule to pour his love and blessings to this newly wed couple has really impressed us.
Well we are extremely excited to see Vijay Deverakonda cast his spell on the screen with VD12 and many more projects to come.