Actress Wamiqa Gabbi on Friday said she has commenced shooting for her upcoming film with Varun Dhawan. Directed by Tamil filmmaker Kalees, the movie is tentatively titled “VD 18” as it is the 18th feature project of Dhawan’s career.
Excited about the project, Wamiqa said in a statement: “Being a part of ‘VD18‘ is a thrilling experience for me. Collaborating with exceptional talents like Varun Dhawan and Keerthy Suresh under Atlee sir’s visionary direction is a creative journey I’m eager to explore.”
“I have been and will always be eternally grateful to 2023, the year that plunged things to new beginnings. And to end the year by being on sets now for my next is truly the perfect curtain call for the year,” she adds.
“The moments like these remind me why I love what I do, and I can’t wait for audiences to witness the magic we are creating on screen,” Wamiqa concluded.
The yet-to-be-titled film is produced by Atlee and co-produced by Murad Khetani.