After Jawan, actress Sanya Malhotra reportedly team up once again with filmmaker Atlee for his next project, tentatively titled VD18. The actress will reportedly have a crucial role in the film, important to the storyline. The film starring Varun Dhawan, Keerthy Suresh and Wamiqa Gabbi in the lead.
A source close to the development told the Pinkvilla, “Sanya readily accepted Atlee’s request for a cameo. She had a wonderful experience working with him on Jawan, and no way could she turn down his offer. This cameo is her way of showing gratitude to Atlee for giving her a blockbuster like Jawan. She shot for her brief sequence with Varun in Bandra earlier this month.”
The report also claims that Varun Dhawan will finish shooting for the film in February 2024. The film will be directed by Tamil filmmaker Kalees while Priya Atlee and Murad Khetani will produce the film.
Rajpal Yadav and Sheeba Chadha will also reportedly have important roles in the film. The film will reportedly be released around May 31, 2024.
After VD 18, Varun will begin shooting for his next film, his fourth collaboration with his father, director David Dhawan. He will next be seen in Raj and DK’s Citadel India.