Following a thunderous reception in South India, the highly anticipated period drama Thangalaan is set to enthrall audiences across the nation with its Hindi release on August 30th. Directed by Pa. Ranjith and featuring Chiyaan Vikram and Malavika Mohanan, the film has garnered rave reviews for its powerful storytelling and captivating visuals.
Thangalaan received a rousing response upon its release on August 15 in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam. Lauded by critics and embraced by fans, it quickly rose to superhit status, leaving audiences clamouring for more. This overwhelming demand from exhibitors in the North Indian territories finally yielded fruit, with the announcement of the Hindi release date.
The news was met with much excitement, as evident from the official social media announcement by the film’s makers. Accompanied by a striking new poster featuring the release date, the caption declared, “The Son of Gold Arrives in North India on August 30th. Prepare to experience the epic story of #Thangalaan.”
Thangalaan recreates the real story of the Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) during the British Raj, highlighting the ruthless exploitation and plunder of these resources faced at the hands of the colonizers.
The film also features Parvathy Thiruvothu, along with a captivating score composed by G.V. Prakash Kumar.
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