Sudheer Babu is all set to elevate with the pan-India film Jatadhara, a supernatural fantasy led by Ace producer Prerna Arora , who also produced ‘Pari ‘ with Anushka sharma in similar Genre. The film’s first look, featuring Sudheer Babu in a mysterious and powerful avatar.
With a leading Bollywood heroine and one of the most powerful antagonist set to join the cast, Jatadhara. Presented by Producer Prerna Arora & Sudheer Babu Production, known for her big commercial and National Award winning Films like Rustom, Toilet-ek prem katha, Pad Man.
Jatadhara aims to raise the bar for Indian cinema, much like the recent cultural sensations Munjia, Stree, and Kantara. But Jatadhara promises to push the envelope even further, combining mythology, supernatural elements, and powerful storytelling into an unforgettable cinematic experience.
The film will begin shooting soon in Hyderabad and is slated for a grand release on Mahashivratri 2025.
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