Two months ago, we reported that Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi had come together for Nitesh Tiwari’s directorial Ramayana. Now we have some more exclusive updates for the film. Read Below.
A close source told Pinkvilla, “The entire world of Ramayana has been created by Nitesh Tiwari and the National Award-Winning Filmmaker is all set to take the film on floors in March next year. The world of Ramayana has been designed by Oscar Winning VFX company, DNEG, who is also producing this epic.”
The source adds, “The makers intend to introduce a new technology of filmmaking with Ramayana, and the entire test run of the shoot has been conducted multiple times. Right from 3D scans to look tests – all the aspects of pre-production have been concluded with the three leads – Ranbir, Sai, and Yash.”
“Yash will be joining the team of Ramayana in the month of July, once he wraps up a major chunk of his next feature film, the Geetu Mohandas-directed Toxic. The KGF actor has an extended appearance in Ramayana: Part One, which is more of a story building of Ram and Sita with character introduction of Hanuman,” the source further told to Entertainment portal.
“The second part will chronicle the arc of Raavan’s character and the actor is excited to enter into this auspicious world of Nitesh Tiwari. Yash was bowled over by the visuals and the purity with which Nitesh intends to retell Ramayana to the audience today,” the source concluded.