On Monday, director Lokesh Kanagaraj unveiled a brand-new Rajinikanth character poster for the upcomimg movie Coolie. In the movie, the Tamil actor plays Deva.
Lokesh Kanagaraj shared the poster on social media with the caption, “Superstar @rajinikanth sir as #Deva in #Coolie Thank you so much for this @rajinikanth sir It’s going to be a blast ”.
The poster captures Rajinikanth holding a coolie’s identification tag with the number 1421— the sole splash of colour in the otherwise monochrome image. Rajinikanth wears a dark shirt, with a dog tag around his neck, adding to the gritty look of the character.
Produced by Sun Pictures, Coolie boasts a star-studded cast including Telugu star Nagarjuna, Kannada actor Upendra, Shruti Haasan, Sathyaraj, and Malayalam actor Soubin Shahir.
The rumours have been rife about actor Aamir Khan joining the cast for a special cameo. However, nothing about the same has been confirmed by the makers yet.
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