Actress Radhikka Madan recently took to her social media to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the heartwarming film ‘Angrezi Medium.’ The movie, directed by Homi Adajania, was a poignant tale of a father’s unconditional love for his daughter and their journey to fulfill her dreams of studying abroad.
In her post, Radhikka expressed her gratitude to the entire cast and crew, the producers, and director Homi Adajania, along with everyone involved in bringing the story to life.
Her sweet post read as follows, “Changed my life forever @homster @irrfan❤ @kareenakapoorkhan @deepakdobriyal1 #dimplekapadiya @maddockfilms #dinoo.”
She acknowledged their collective efforts in making the film a memorable success.
Released in 2020, ‘Angrezi Medium’ received widespread acclaim for its touching narrative, stellar performances, and emotional depth. Radhikka’s portrayal of Tarika Bansal, the ambitious daughter striving to pursue her dreams, resonated deeply with audiences.