Bobby Deol is set to play a significant role in an upcoming project featuring Ram Charan, directed by Buchi Babu. Rumours suggest that Bobby Deol’s role in this film will differ from his recent antagonistic characters, as he portrayed in the film ‘Animal,’ which received wide acclaim.
As per the latest report from moneycontrol, In the Ram Charan-Buchi Babu project, Deol is expected to take on a mentor role to Charan’s character, adding depth and a new dimension to the film’s storyline.
It will be directed by Buchi Babu Sana, who won the best Telugu-language film award at India’s National Film Awards for his debut “Uppena” (2021). Sana previously served as a writer and assistant director to “Pushpa” filmmaker Sukumar on hit film “Rangasthalam” (2018).
RC16” is being produced by Venkata Satish Kilaru for Vriddhi Cinemas and is presented by Mythri Movie Makers. The film also stars Janhvi Kapoor as the female lead.
Meanwhile, Deol will also be seen in the Kanguva, Aashram Season 4, NBK 109, Aryan Khan’s directorial debut and Hari Hara Veera Mallu.