Telugu superstar Jr NTR and director Prashanth Neel have officially announced their highly anticipated collaboration. Reportedly, the film is titled, Dragon, for its Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam releases. The project, currently known as NTRNeel, marks the first-ever collaboration between Jr. NTR and Prashanth Neel.
Jr. NTR fans received a special birthday gift this year: the release of the first single, ‘Fear Song’, from the highly anticipated Devara: Part 1. But the celebrations didn’t stop there. Fans were also treated to a significant update on the status of NTRNeel.
The makers NTR Arts took to social media to share exciting news about the action-packed drama. “Happy Birthday to the ‘MAN OF MASSES’ @tarak9999 Team #NTRNeel Shoot begins from August 2024. Brace yourself for a powerhouse project,” they said in the caption.
Along with heartfelt birthday wishes for the star, the makers announced that filming for NTRNeel will commence in August 2024. Mythri Movie Makers and NTR Arts have joined forces to produce this grand action spectacle.
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