Disney+ Hotstar presents a thrilling new action series, Commander Karan Saxena, starring Gurmeet Choudhary as the titular RAW agent. Set against a backdrop of political intrigue and betrayal, the series follows Commander Karan Saxena as he delves into a high-stakes mystery, navigating a world fraught with danger and deception in defense of his country.
Joining him are Iqbal Khan and Hruta Durgule in pivotal roles. The series is set to premiere on July 8, 2024, and will be available for free on the Disney+ Hotstar mobile app.
The teaser for Commander Karan Saxena has revealed a fresh perspective on Gurmeet Choudhary, showcasing a new, charismatic persona and a formidable physique.
Choudhary drew inspiration from iconic action heroes, blending Jackie Chan’s physical prowess and inventive stunt work with the intense combat style reminiscent of John Wick. His goal is to bring authenticity and intensity to the action sequences, aiming to captivate audiences with a dynamic portrayal.
Don’t miss the adrenaline-pumping episodes of ‘Commander Karan Saxena’, streaming exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar starting July 8.