After making her debut in the comedy drama ‘Jawaani Jaanemaan’, Alaya F takes the lead in driving Ekta Kapoor’s upcoming production ‘U-Turn’. The film is an edge-of-the-seat thriller starring Alaya F in the lead and is directed by debutante director Arif Khan. The film is an adaptation of the blockbuster south film, that had superstar Samantha essaying the lead role.
U-Turn will be produced by Cult Movies, which is the new division under Shobha Kapoor and Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji Telefilms, that produces new age & edgy content. Interestingly, U-Turn is the third film to be announced under Cult Movies, after Anurag Kashyap’s Dobaaraa and Dibakar Banerjee’s LSD 2.
Set against an urban backdrop, the film goes on-floors tomorrow. While not much has been revealed about the project, the makers just released a video, announcing the film and giving us a glimpse of the thriller. Needless to say, the video sets the tone for a suspense thriller, already piquing the interest of the audience.
Talking about the collaboration, Ekta Kapoor shares, “Alaya was fantastic in her debut film. There’s a self-assured yet vulnerable quality to her that I believe can connect with audiences across. U-Turn takes you on a ride with twists & turns galore & edge-of-the-seat excitement. I’m so happy to have Alaya on board!”
Sharing the same sentiment, Alaya F shares, “It is an extremely exciting opportunity to collaborate with Ekta ma’am so early on in my career, especially for such an interesting project. I feel responsible to be bestowed with the task to drive such an intriguing story and I’m absolutely overjoyed to start this journey.”
Debutante director Arif Khan, who has assisted on over ten films, including Gunjan Saxena, 2 States, Student of the Year amongst others, is all set to bring a new dimension to this new-age thriller!