Ajay Devgn will play the lead role in the Hindi remake of the 2019 Tamil film Kaithi. The actor confirmed the news in his latest tweet on Friday and sent the Internet into a tizzy. “Yes, I’m doing the Hindi remake of the Tamil film Kaithi,” wrote Ajay in his tweet and brought a wave of excitement among his fans.
Earlier, S.R. Prabhu of Dream Warrior Pictures said, “Kaithi is a film with No Heroine, No Songs and a 100% Action Genre. Released with all these odds on the Diwali festival day, Kaithi came out as a box office blockbuster among the family audience in the South. We’re delighted to join hands with Reliance Entertainment for the Bollywood remake. This high-octane film will surely entertain the audience pan India.”
Hindi remake of Kaithi will be releasing on 12th February 2021. Story of the film revolves around an ex-convict who is on his way to meet his daughter for the first time. He is accompanied by an injured police officer and, before he reaches his destination, he has to face a gang of drug lords.
Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, the Tamil original received positive reviews from critics and worked well at the box-office. The film will be co-produced by Reliance Entertainment along with the Chennai-based film company Dream Warrior Pictures, founded by brothers SR Prakashbabu and SR Prabhu.
On the work front, Ajay Devgn has a lot of films in the pipeline. He will be seen in Amit Sharma’s sports drama Maidaan, in which he will play football coach Syed Abdul Rahim. His next film is Abhishek Dudhaiya’s Bhuj: The Pride of India. Ajay will also appear in a cameo role in Rohit Shetty’s Sooryavanshi and in SS Rajamouli’s RRR.