Bollywood’s young and dynamic actor Aayush Sharma marked his sixth anniversary with wife Arpita by sharing a heartwarming post commemorating six years of love and togetherness. As the actor is shooting for his upcoming film, this would be the first time Aayush Sharma will be away from his wife Arpita on their anniversary.
Sharing adorable pictures recording their journey together, Aayush Sharma said, “Happy Anniversary my love @arpitakhansharma .. We have been married for 6 years but it feels like I know you since forever. 6 years of your insane childish excitement and finding happiness in the smallest of moments. Blessed to have a partner like you .. Love you always”.
Arpita shared a series of pictures with her husband. She even shared a photo from the wedding day featuring her father in law and brother Salman Khan. The post was captioned as, ”From being my friend to being my husband, I cherish the journey we decide to pave together. I am glad we gambled our lives to each other 6 years back. Happy Anniversary my LOVE ❤️ For the first time we our not celebrating together but I am so happy your doing what you love doing best. To many more year of togetherness , happiness , gossip , fights , differences & …………….. I MISS YOU & LOVE YOU @aaysharma”.
Aayush Sharma and Arpita have two adorable kids, Ahil and Ayat, who make timely appearances on the actor’s social media handles. The doting father never misses an opportunity to give a glimpse into the precious moments he shares with his family.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Aayush will be seen next in ‘Antim’ with Salman Khan, helmed by Mahesh Manjrekar.