Varun Dhawan’s Bawaal all set to hit the Amazon Prime Video on 21st July 2023. Now the actor is ready to kick off his next project. Yes! He will begin his shoot for his next project with Atlee Kumar on July 16, 2023, in Mumbai.
According to a report from ETimes, “Varun Dhawan will start shooting for his Atlee film from July 16. The first schedule of the film is going to be shot on a set in Mumbai. Atlee will be on sets barring for the action and songs sequences.”
This exciting venture marks Varun’s first collaboration with Atlee, a director known for his blockbuster Tamil films.
This yet-to-be-titled action entertainer, tentatively known as VD18, is set to be helmed by Tamil director Kalees, with Atlee serving as the producer alongside Murad Khetani.
Recently, Varun Dhawan had revealed that this project will hit screens on May 31st, 2024. It is being said that this project is a remake of Tamil film ‘Theri’, directed by Atlee.