Varun Tej recently left fans buzzing with excitement as he unveiled a captivating poster for his upcoming film, ‘Operation Valentine’. Taking to Instagram, Tej shared a striking image of himself donning a military uniform, exuding charisma as he embraces a new role.
The poster with impactful air strikes on both sides, hints at the intense narrative that awaits audiences. Tej accompanied the reveal with a caption that reads, “On the 18th of December @11:05, let the spirit of valor take flight,” announcing the upcoming teaser release.
The anticipation among fans has skyrocketed, with many eagerly awaiting the unveiling of Varun Tej’s new avatar in this gripping tale of grit, pride, and patriotism. The film promises to deliver a thrilling storyline that is sure to leave audiences on the edge of their seats.
Operation Valentine is directed by Shakti Pratap Singh Hada, and the Telugu-Hindi bilingual promises to leave the viewers mesmerized. Operation Valentine is slated to release on 16th February 2024. Varun who is a bankable star Down South is making his Bollywood debut with this patriotic drama. After Operation Valentine, the heartthrob will also be seen in another film called Matka.
Stay tuned as ‘Operation Valentine’ promises an exhilarating journey when the teaser drops on the 18th of December at 11:05.
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