Filmmaker Karan Johar’s next which has been tentatively titled The Bull, starring Salman Khan has been in talks all across from the past few weeks. Now, as per latest media repots, that the the journey begins with an auspicious Pooja on December 29 at Mehboob Studios in Mumbai.
As per Pinkvilla, “Director Vishnuvardhan wishes to commence the journey on this film on an auspicious note and given that his discussions with Salman and Karan started in 2023, he wishes to end the year with a Mahurat Pooja. It will take place tomorrow in Bandra.”
“The principal shoot of The Bull begins from February and the makers will start constructing the set from Mid-January. Multiple big sets will be put up in the Maximum city as the idea is to recreate the era gone by with authenticity. Salman has allotted bulk dates to Karan and he will be shooting from February to August,” a source close told Entertainment portal.
Yesterday, Karan Johar on his birthday wish to Salman Khan on Instagram confirmed their collaboration by saying, “Also, 25 years later, we will finally have a story to tell again… not saying any more than that happy happy birthday.”