After giving the blockbuster Gadar 2, Bollywood actor Sunny Deol is expected to commence shooting in the middle of next year. The project is being produced by Bhushan Kumar in association with JP Dutta, who directed the original film.
A source told Mid-Day, Border 2 is expected to go on floors in the first quarter of 2024. While there has been a change of guard with Dutta Sr passing the baton to producer-writer daughter Nidhi Dutta, one thing about the sequel remains the same—it will be led by Sunny Deol, who was the pillar of the 1997 offering.
“Nidhi is designing it as the biggest war film made in the country to date. Unlike previous movies that have focussed on only one faction of the Defence Forces, the film shows the joint working of the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force. It has personal stories of the 1971 war heroes and martyrs,” source added.
The source further adds, “The Duttas knew from the word go that they wouldn’t make Border 2 without Sunny. Ayushmann’s contract is expected to get locked by next week. The remaining cast will be finalised over this month and next.”
The remaining cast is expected to be finalised in the coming weeks.