The trailer of Shaitaan was launched today in Mumbai and was attended by actors Ajay Devgn, R Madhavan, Jyotika, Janki Bodiwala and Aangad Maaholay, director Vikas Bahl and producers Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak.
The trailer is packed with suspense and edge-of-your-seat moments, leaving viewers guessing what Shaitaan’s ultimate goal is. The film’s dark and gritty atmosphere is further amplified by the haunting music and Devgn’s intense performance.
The makers recently released the first song from the film titled Khushiyan Bator Lo. Crooned by Jubin Nautiyal, the music for the song is backed by Amit Trivedi.
Based on the original Gujarati film “Vash”, the remake version “Shaitaan” is directed by Vikas Bahl of “Queen” movie fame.
With its talented cast, captivating story, and chilling visuals, the film is taking over cinemas on 8th March 2024.