On Wednesday evening, actor Adivi Sesh shared that his Sesh EX Shruti has been christened Dacoit. Taking to X, Sesh shared a title teaser of the film.
Adivi Sesh shared a clip with the caption: “DACOIT 🔥🔥🔥 ఒక ప్రేమ కథ The FACES are UNVEILED here 👇🏼 Shoot Begins Soon.”
Dacoit is billed as a gripping story of two former lovers, who must unite to commit a series of robberies to change their lives.
It marks the feature directorial debut of Shaneil Deo, also feature Shruti Haasan in lead role.
The film is produced by Supriya Yarlagadda, co-produced by Suniel Narang and presented by Annapurna Studios. It is being shot simultaneously in Hindi and Telugu.
Title Teaser Link:
- Telugu:- https://youtu.be/mwwi7pk9K4s
- Hindi:- https://youtu.be/bAT0W0Sfv7s