Following the success of comedy-drama, OMG 2, Akshay Kumar is back with survival thriller titled ‘Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue’. In this upcoming film, Kumar takes on the role of Jaswant Singh Gill, the hero behind “India’s first coal mine rescue mission,” where he saved the lives of 65 miners trapped 350 feet underground.
On Thursday, September 7, Akshay Kumar shared the teaser on his Instagram and wrote in the caption, “In 1989, one man showed courage and conviction that saved lives! #MissionRaniganjTeaser out now. Watch the story of Bharat’s true hero with #MissionRaniganj in cinemas on 6th October.”
The teaser opens with a glimpse of miners toiling away in the dimly lit coal mine. The monotony of their work is broken when a miner feels a drop of water on his hand. Soon, the whole mine is flooded and workers scramble to save themselves. Enters Akshay, who declares that the trapped miners are counting on him and his team for rescue.
Directed by Tinu Suresh Desai, Mission Raniganj also features Parineeti Chopra, Kumud Mishra, Pavan Malhotra, Ravi Kishan, Varun Badola, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Rajesh Sharma, Virendra Saxena, Shishir Sharma, Ananth Mahadevan, Jameel Khan, Sudhir Pandeym and others.
Produced by Pooja Entertainment, the film is scheduled to be released on 6 October 2023.