In the upcoming 2023 Indian Hindi-language comedy crime thriller series ‘Guns & Gulaabs,’ Manuj Sharma’s charisma and chemistry with Rajkummar Rao are set to enthrall audiences. The show, created and directed by Raj & DK, promises to be a delightful amalgamation of romance and crime thriller, capturing the essence of classic Bollywood action movies from the nostalgic nineties.
Having honed his craft over the years, Manuj’s portrayal of his character in the series promises to be a standout highlight. With the show scheduled to release on August 18, 2023, fans and critics alike are eagerly counting down the days to witness his captivating performance.
Taking about his experience working on the show Manuj Sharma said, “Being a part of Guns & Gulaabs in Raj & DK directorial has been an incredible experience. Their creative vision and storytelling skills have provided a fantastic platform for me to showcase my talent. Working with Rajkummar Rao adds an extra layer of excitement to the series. I’m truly thrilled for the audience to see what we’ve crafted together in this show and I’m really waiting to see their response.”
Manuj’s ability to effortlessly blend into the world of crime and comedy genres is a testament to his versatility as an actor. His captivating presence and exceptional acting skills make him a perfect fit for the quirky and thrilling narrative crafted by Raj & DK.
The series revolves around misfits of the world and its trailer, which recently launched on Netflix’s YouTube channel, has left fans excited and eagerly awaiting its release. Comments flooded in support of the show, with anticipation and expectations at an all-time high, thanks to the promising trailer.
As Raj & DK’s signature touch, the crime and comedy thriller combines elements of romance, drama, emotion, action, and humor, promising a gripping and entertaining viewing experience for audiences. With Manuj Sharma’s performance, ‘Guns & Gulaabs’ is all set to be a must-watch series that will keep viewers hooked from start to finish.