Actor Kartik Aaryan, producer Sajid Nadiadwala and director Vishal Bhardwaj are set to join the hands for a gritty thriller. As per reports, the film will be made on the budget of Rs 150 crores and is expected to release next year.
A source told to Bollywood Hungama, “Kartik Aaryan is balancing his line-up. He did back-to-back commercial films like Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 and Shehzada and followed it up with an intense love story like Satyaprem Ki Katha. He is now looking to take things a notch higher by getting into conversations with National Award-Winning director, Vishal Bhardwaj. It’s a gritty thriller and the duo are jamming well on the subject.”
The source further informed that contrary to the general conversation, this one will be released in the cinema halls in 2025.
“While the last few Vishal Bhardwaj films have been released on digital platforms, his next with Kartik Aaryan will be released on the big screen. It will be his first theatrical release after Pathaaka,” the source told us further.
The film is expected to go on floors in 2nd half of 2024.