On Sunday, February 25th, Hrithik Roshan took to Instagram to extend birthday wishes to Anaita Shroff Adajania, the talented stylist who has been instrumental in shaping his on-screen personas since their first collaboration on Dhoom 2. Over the years, she has worked her magic on Roshan’s looks for various films, including Bang Bang, War, and now the upcoming War 2.
In his heartfelt Insta story, Roshan thanked Shroff Adajania for bringing out an unexplored dimension of his personality onscreen through her styling expertise. Hrithik wrote, “Happy Birthday to one and only! Thank you for bringing the other me out 🙂 Have a supersonic year ahead! Love ❤️”
As fans eagerly anticipate the release of War 2, Hrithik Roshan’s birthday wish, accompanied by the BTS video, has stirred excitement among his followers.
Hrithik recently captivated audiences with his stellar performance in Siddharth Anand’s Fighter. The film has successfully completed 1 month of running in cinemas.
Soon after the release of Fighter, Hrithik immersed himself in the preparation for War 2. The actor will be seen reprising his role of Agent Kabir. Directed by Ayan Mukerji, YRF’s War 2 is scheduled to release on August 14th 2025.
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