Directed by Siddharth Anand, Fighter starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor, the film has already created a stir with its teaser launch in December and the release of three songs – Sher Khul Gaye, Ishq Jaisa Kuch, and Heer Aasmani.
Now, the much-anticipated trailer of Fighter, is set to drop on January 15. A source close to the development spoke to Pinkvilla and confirmed the trailer release date.
According to the source, “Siddharth Anand is all ready to unveil the theatrical trailer of Fighter on January 15. He has worked on the trailer for the last month and has come up with a cut that will be in sync with the mood of the nation during the Republic Day period.”
Furthermore, the source also shared that the trailer will not only giving a deeper insight into the film, but it also holds some surprising details. “The best has been kept for the end, and one can expect a lot of patriotism and high-octane dialogues from Hrithik in the trailer. The visuals aside, watch out for the front-footed dialogues and Indo-Pak conflict as Sid will finally open up all that was kept under the wraps with the theatrical trailer,” added the source.
Fighter also stars Karan Singh Grover, Akshay Oberoi, Sanjeeda Sheikh, among others in key roles and it is slated for release on January 25.