Superstar Rajinikanth’s Darbar has had a flying start at the box office. The movie has got a thunderous response from the cine-goers across Tamil Nadu, thereby making brilliant business at the box office in the first two days after hitting the screens on Thursday, 9 Jan 2020.
Released in about 4000 screens, Darbar had met with great response from the fans of Rajinikanth for the advance booking for the first few days. Many cine halls have sold out its large chunk of tickets for the first four days which clearly tells the craze around the Tamil flick.
On the first day, Darbar grossed record-breaking 33.70 crore. The early estimation coming from the trade trackers indicate that the Tamil flick has made a collection of 11.55 crore. Approximately, the Rajinikanth-starrer has grossed 17.50 crore in the state. In Chennai, Darbar has earned 2.27 crores on day 1.
On the second day, Lyca Productions’ production has witnessed a usual decline in footfalls but still managed to remain strong at the box office. At an excellent note, it has raked the business of 9.40 crores gross including 1.17 crore from Chennai alone.
After 2 days, the total collection of Darbar has become 20.95 crores nett at the TN box office including 3.44 crores from Chennai. Darbar is based on the life of a police officer on a mission to bust a drugs racket in Mumbai. Directed by AR Murgadoss, the film is likely to do well at the Box office down south as it is a solo release on Pongal.