T-Series head honcho, Bhushan Kumar revived the devotional wing of his company a few months ago to take ahead the dream of his father. Keeping his promise to lead his team in creating more devotional songs, the music label T-Series today released ‘Om Jai Jagdish Hare’ for the auspicious occasion of Diwali.
Composed by Manan Bhardwaj, the devotional song is sung by an ensemble team of singers – Tulsi Kumar, Neha Kakkar, Dhvani Bhanushali, Parampara Thakur, Jubin Nautiyal, Sachet Tandon, Guru Randhawa and Milind Gaba. The video directed by Rajeev Khandelwal features the singers along with the talented Divya Khosla Kumar.
With the blessings of his late father, Bhushan Kumar shares his thoughts on releasing the new devotional tracks, “Diwali is one of those festivals that is celebrated by people across the globe, and we wanted to gift our audience something special on this auspicious occasion. Devotional songs are close to our hearts and I hope to revive their popularity like my late father did.”
Om Jai Jagdish Hare is out on T-Series’ YouTube channel.