Kiara Advani has been living out of her suitcase for the last couple of months fulfilling her professional commitments. In between basking in the mega success of Kabir Singh and preparing for her next highly-anticipated horror comedy, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 along with nation’s new heartthrob, Kartik Aaryan, the gorgeous actress has just been appointed as the brand ambassador for the popular lifestyle brand, Giordano.
For someone who is known for her sartorial sense and have always earned brownie points from the fashion critics for her appearances, it was only natural that the announcement of Kiara’s recent association with Giordano would create quite the splash on social media.
This time, the popular youth icon, who enjoys a huge fan following on the social media, is endorsing Giordano to create a new style statement with their latest premium offerings by the brand. Giordano has recently launched its versatile AW-19 handbags with Kiara, ensuring that their latest collection features some beautiful classic bags that are perfect to upgrade your style quotient.
Kiara says, “Giordano serves as a perfect fashion statement because even you could be wearing a plain outfit, with its range of stylish handbags, you entire ensemble looks vibrant and fresh. These statement handbags are not stylish but functional and affordable as well.”
“I love their shopping tote, which is ideal to carry to work since it can accommodate so many things. The brand is a one-stop-shop for all your handbag needs and offers a variety of options for different tastes,” Kiara adds.