To celebrate Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’s 25 years, the makers decided to hold a special screening of the film on October 15. During the screening, Shah Rukh Khan, Rani Mukerji, and Karan Johar surprised fans as they visited a theater during the special screening in Mumbai.
The special screening of the film was held on Sunday night with the tickets priced at Rs 25 only. A source said, “The low price point must have played a part. It’s unbelievable for moviegoers that they will get to see the film in a swanky multiplex for just Rs 25.”
Today, A video shared by one of the fan clubs of Shah Rukh Khan on X (formerly known as Twitter) shows the actor praising Karan Johar for making a film like Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. He also remembered Yash Chopra, Yash Johar, Reema Lagoo, and others at the special screening.
Shah Rukh Khan said, “I just want to say something which is very important to me that you know when I joined the film industry I made some friends who are now family, Mr. Yash Chopra, Mr. Yash Johar, Karan’s late dad and he was my friend actually more than Karan. He was my friend and my friend’s son is Karan who was 24 years old when he made Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.”
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai was released in 1998 on October 16. The roles of Rahul Khanna, Anjali Sharma, and Tina Malhotra were played by SRK, Kajol, and Rani respectively.