Shah Rukh Khan is currently shooting for his next, ‘Jawan’, directed by Atlee is currently in its last leg of shoot, with just 10-12 days of schedule remaining. As per the latest buzz, Sanjay Dutt has joined the team of Jawan for the shoot, which is on March 20.
As per a report in Pinkvilla, “Sanjay Dutt is reuniting with Shah Rukh Khan in Jawan for a brief but effective and action-packed cameo. The duo will be shooting together over the next 4 to 5 days at a studio in Mumbai, and it’s a big dramatic action scene forming an integral part of the film’s narrative.”
The source further added, “Sanjay Dutt returned to Mumbai from his Leo shoot in Kashmir on Sunday noon and 24 hours later, he was all charged up to shoot an action scene with SRK on Jawan.”
Interestingly, SRK and Dutt have never really done a full-fledged film together. They’ve had brief moments on-screen together in ‘Ra.One’ and ‘Om Shanti Om’.
Apart from Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan is also working on Dunki with Rajkumar Hirani. The film is also nearing completion of it’s shoot and we will bring an update on that too soon.