Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is back with another massive entertainer collaborating with Rohit Shetty. The duo teamed up for a fun drama titled ‘Cirkus’. The makers dropped the trailer today and it’s all things vibrant and colourful. The film surely promises unlimited entertainment and a laughter riot.
The trailer of Cirkus is 3.47 minutes long and director Rohit Shetty has done justice to all the different aspects of the film, be it comedy, romance and scale. Just like the posters, the focus is not just on Ranveer Singh, Varun Sharma, Jacqueline Fernandez and Pooja Hegde, but also on the character actors like Johny Lever, Siddharth Jadhav, Tiku Talsania, Sanjay Mishra, Vijay Patkar, Ashwinin Kalsekar, Mukesh Tiwari, Vrajesh Hirjee, Brijendra Kala etc.
To give so many actors prominence in a promo is no easy task but Rohit Shetty and team come out with flying colours. Moreover, the double role element and big-screen appeal also enhances the impact.
Apart from humour, what stands out is the catchy song ‘Current Lag Gaya’, composed by Devi Sri Prasad. It is sure to become a chartbuster in the days to come. Also, the last 20 seconds of the trailer boasts of surprises that will further enhance the hype for the film.
All in all, Cirkus trailer is just right and looks like it’s another winner from Rohit Shetty. This Christmas, expect a mad ride from the blockbuster director!